Welcome to YourVitalsStudy.com, a website designed to introduce you to a clinical research study of a wrist worn device to measure blood pressure.
There is no cost to participate. Those who qualify will receive approximately $450 for time and participation plus reimbursement for travel for completing the first part of this study. We encourage you to review the participation requirements listed below. If you feel you meet these requirements, please complete the pre-qualifying registration below.
Qualified participants must be:
- Over the age of 18
- Able and willing to:
- Complete 2-3 visits at our Manhattan, New York research center
- Wear an investigational wristband device, used to measure blood pressure
- Wear sensors on your torso and finger for 2 lead ECG measurements and pulse oximetry
- Sit and stand for 1-hour periods
- Complete 4-10 cycles of a leg press isometric hold exercise (up to 5 minutes each)
- Place your feet in cold water while vital signs are monitored
- Abstain from smoking during study visits
- Return for optional overnight stay (15 or 24 hours) at our clinic, if selected
- Return for optional follow-up visits up to 1-year after completion of initial study visits, if selected
Qualified participants will be given the option to participate in a similar study being conducted at our Eatontown, New Jersey research center. Participants who successfully complete both studies may be eligible for a $500 bonus. For more information please visit clinilabs.com/myvitalsstudy.
Participants may receive compensation for time and participation, plus travel reimbursement. For completion of initial screening visit, return screening visit, and two short study visits, you will earn approximately $450.
- $75 – Screening Visits
- $150 – Completion of Short Visit (Approximately ~1-4hrs in length)
- $350 – Completion of Half-Day Visit (Approximately ~5-10hrs in length)
- $625 – Completion of Full-Day Visit (Approximately ~11-24hrs in length)
- $80 – Roundtrip travel visit reimbursement with receipts
Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind research study!