Welcome to MyVitalsStudy.com, a website designed to introduce you to a research study for the development of a wrist worn device.
There is no cost to participate. Those who qualify will receive up to $1,675 for time and participation plus reimbursement for travel. We encourage you to review the participation requirements listed below. If you feel you meet these requirements, please complete the pre-qualifying registration below.
Please Note: Due to high volume of interest in this study, we are currently paused for new enrollment. Screening is expected to resume in June 2023. If interested in participation, please complete the application below and we will schedule your first visit once the study reopens.
Qualified participants must be:
- At least 18 years of age
- In generally good health
- Able and willing to:
- Complete up to 3 visits at our Eatontown, New Jersey research center
- Attend 2 study visits where an intra-arterial blood pressure line (A-Line) will be placed in the arm by a study physician (blood pressure monitored using a thin, flexible tube that is placed into an artery in your arm)
- Complete a follow up phone call within 5 days of each procedure visit
- Wear an investigational wristband device, used to measure blood pressure
- Wear sensors on your torso and finger for 2 lead ECG measurements and pulse oximetry
- Sit and stand for 1-hour periods
- Complete 4-10 cycles of a leg press isometric hold exercise (up to 5 minutes each)
- Return for additional non-invasive study visits if requested
Qualified participants will be given the option to participate in a Non-Invasive study at our New York research center. Participants who successfully complete both studies may be eligible for a $500 bonus. For more information regarding the non-invasive study please visit clinilabs.com/yourvitalsstudy.
Participants may receive compensation up to $1,675 for time and participation for completion of a screening visit, 2 study visits, 2 follow up phone calls, and $250 completion bonus. This total does not include additional compensation for travel or the non-invasive study visits.
- $75 – Initial screening visit
- $625 – Completed study visit with A-Line procedure (up to 2 visits)
- $150 – Completed optional study visit without A-Line procedure (up to 10 visits)
- $50 – Follow up phone calls (after each A-Line visit)
- $250 – Completion bonus for completing 2 A-Line visits
- $80 – Roundtrip travel reimbursement with receipts (per visit)
Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind research study!