SureClinical Announces SureCTMS, First Mobile eClinical Trial Management System

2018-09-20T17:05:07-04:00September 10th, 2018|

SureClinical has announced the release and FDA compliance validation of SureCTMS, its cloud-based clinical trial management application.  As part of SureClinical’s best-in-class platform and suite of eClinical applications, SureCTMS helps teams manage projects more effectively, accelerate project completion milestones, enhance quality, and lower costs.  This has helped CROs manage trials more efficiently.  “Our users, sponsors, and investigators are delighted by SureClinical’s suite of eClinical applications, including SureCTMS, SureETMF and SureDrive,” said Gary Zammit, President and CEO of Clinilabs Drug Development Corporation. “We find it a huge productivity saver with Adobe digital certificate signing and smartphone support built in. With SureClinical’s suite of eClinical applications, our team can manage projects and get work done from web and smartphone devices anytime, anywhere, enhancing team productivity and quality,” added Charity Cowley, Clinical Document Manager at Clinilabs.

Click here to view the full press release.

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