Expansion of Regional Offices

2019-10-17T21:03:44-04:00December 18th, 2017|

San Diego, CA Clinilabs OfficeClinilabs Drug Development Corporation is pleased to announce that it has established two new regional offices in 2017. An office has been established in San Diego, California in order to accommodate the increasing number of West Coast sponsors now working with the company. The office provides a convenient location for its regional staff, and enables group meetings to take place in a large and well-appointed conference room. It is an excellent location for reducing the impact of time zone changes on work deliverables, effectively providing an office environment that extends East Coast hours.

In addition to the expansion of the company’s US- based operations, we now have regional capability in the Netherlands. The addition of staff in the European Union was necessitated by the conduct of a large, global trial that requires face-to-face visits with investigators and investigator site staff.   According to Dr. Gary Zammit, President & CEO, “we have been managing data from global, multicenter sleep studies in the EU, Eastern Europe, and Asia for the past 15 years without the need for regional staff. However, as sponsors are calling on us for an expansive list of services that require interactions with European regulatory authorities, and importantly, with investigator sites, we have felt the need to build a presence in the EU.”

There is enthusiasm as the Company’s EU presence grows.

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