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Please join us at 10:05 am on Wednesday, November 11 to hear Dr. Zammit present “The Role of the CRO in Patient-Centric CNS Clinical Trials” followed by a live Q&A session after.

The scarcity of new drugs for neuropsychiatric disorders contrasts with the extraordinary advances in neuroscience research to date.

Focusing from bench to bedside, and built with thought-leaders at Sage Therapeutics, Janssen, Lundbeck, and Roche, the 3rd Annual Neuropsychiatric Drug Development Summit will unravel the complexities of developing truly clinically transformative neuropsychiatric drugs.

With an emphasis on depressive disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety, and PTSD, this industry-defining meeting will provide the platform for industry and academic thought leaders to:

Exchange scientific advances in our understanding of brain receptors to identify and validate new targets
Share innovations in clinical trial design to control the placebo effect
Develop more clinically reflective preclinical models to more quickly and confidently prove your drug concepts
Adopt more reliable and objective measures to capture clinical efficacy
Defining, developing, and validating the most effective translational biomarkers to help drive better patient selection
Uniting 80+ drug developers from all corners of the world, Neuropsychiatric Drug Development is your opportunity to discuss in-depth, how to push forward the frontiers of neuropsychiatric drug development to develop the next generation of more clinically effective therapeutics.

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